Web Development Internship at LetsGrowMore

Internship at LetsGrowMore was one of the most valuable experience I gained in 2021. I completed two tasks : Task 1 : I created a single page website using HTML , CSS and JavaScript.

Website : amisha-kirti-lgm1.netlify.app

Task 2 : I created a web app using react in which I displayed data using an API.

Website : amisha-kirti-lgm2.netlify.app

I learnt a lot of new things and experimented with new features and elements in Web development.

I implemented various background animations , typography , and other visual elements to improve the user experience.

Thanks Aman Kesarwani for this opportunity at letsgrowmore.in & letsgrowmore.in/vip

Feel free to share your feedback.

#WebDevelopment #Html #css #javascript #react